Search Results: "cyb"

3 December 2016

Vincent Bernat: Build-time dependency patching for Android

This post shows how to patch an external dependency for an Android project at build-time with Gradle. This leverages the Transform API and Javassist, a Java bytecode manipulation tool.
        classpath ''
        classpath ''
        classpath 'org.javassist:javassist:3.21.+'
        classpath 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'
Disclaimer: I am not a seasoned Android programmer, so take this with a grain of salt.

Context This section adds some context to the example. Feel free to skip it. Dashkiosk is an application to manage dashboards on many displays. It provides an Android application you can install on one of those cheap Android sticks. Under the table, the application is an embedded webview backed by the Crosswalk Project web runtime which brings an up-to-date web engine, even for older versions of Android1. Recently, a security vulnerability has been spotted in how invalid certificates were handled. When a certificate cannot be verified, the webview defers the decision to the host application by calling the onReceivedSslError() method:
Notify the host application that an SSL error occurred while loading a resource. The host application must call either callback.onReceiveValue(true) or callback.onReceiveValue(false). Note that the decision may be retained for use in response to future SSL errors. The default behavior is to pop up a dialog.
The default behavior is specific to Crosswalk webview: the Android builtin one just cancels the load. Unfortunately, the fix applied by Crosswalk is different and, as a side effect, the onReceivedSslError() method is not invoked anymore2. Dashkiosk comes with an option to ignore TLS errors3. The mentioned security fix breaks this feature. The following example will demonstrate how to patch Crosswalk to recover the previous behavior4.

Simple method replacement Let s replace the shouldDenyRequest() method from the org.xwalk.core.internal.SslUtil class with this version:
// In SslUtil class
public static boolean shouldDenyRequest(int error)  
    return false;

Transform registration Gradle Transform API enables the manipulation of compiled class files before they are converted to DEX files. To declare a transform and register it, include the following code in your build.gradle:
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger
class PatchXWalkTransform extends Transform  
    Logger logger = null;
    public PatchXWalkTransform(Logger logger)  
        this.logger = logger
    String getName()  
        return "PatchXWalk"
    Set<QualifiedContent.ContentType> getInputTypes()  
        return Collections.singleton(QualifiedContent.DefaultContentType.CLASSES)
    Set<QualifiedContent.Scope> getScopes()  
        return Collections.singleton(QualifiedContent.Scope.EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES)
    boolean isIncremental()  
        return true
    void transform(Context context,
                   Collection<TransformInput> inputs,
                   Collection<TransformInput> referencedInputs,
                   TransformOutputProvider outputProvider,
                   boolean isIncremental) throws IOException, TransformException, InterruptedException  
        // We should do something here
// Register the transform
android.registerTransform(new PatchXWalkTransform(logger))
The getInputTypes() method should return the set of types of data consumed by the transform. In our case, we want to transform classes. Another possibility is to transform resources. The getScopes() method should return a set of scopes for the transform. In our case, we are only interested by the external libraries. It s also possible to transform our own classes. The isIncremental() method returns true because we support incremental builds. The transform() method is expected to take all the provided inputs and copy them (with or without modifications) to the location supplied by the output provider. We didn t implement this method yet. This causes the removal of all external dependencies from the application.

Noop transform To keep all external dependencies unmodified, we must copy them:
void transform(Context context,
               Collection<TransformInput> inputs,
               Collection<TransformInput> referencedInputs,
               TransformOutputProvider outputProvider,
               boolean isIncremental) throws IOException, TransformException, InterruptedException  
            def jarName =
            def src = it.getFile()
            def dest = outputProvider.getContentLocation(jarName, 
                                                         it.contentTypes, it.scopes,
            def status = it.getStatus()
            if (status == Status.REMOVED)   //  
      "Remove $ src ")
              else if (!isIncremental   status != Status.NOTCHANGED)   //  
      "Copy $ src ")
                FileUtils.copyFile(src, dest)
We also need two additional imports:
Since we are handling external dependencies, we only have to manage JAR files. Therefore, we only iterate on jarInputs and not on directoryInputs. There are two cases when handling incremental build: either the file has been removed ( ) or it has been modified ( ). In all other cases, we can safely assume the file is already correctly copied.

JAR patching When the external dependency is the Crosswalk JAR file, we also need to modify it. Here is the first part of the code (replacing ):
if ("$ src " ==~ ".*/org.xwalk/xwalk_core.*/classes.jar")  
    def pool = new ClassPool()
    pool.insertClassPath("$ src ")
    def ctc = pool.get('org.xwalk.core.internal.SslUtil') //  
    def ctm = ctc.getDeclaredMethod('shouldDenyRequest')
    ctc.removeMethod(ctm) //  
public static boolean shouldDenyRequest(int error)  
    return false;
""", ctc)) //  
    def sslUtilBytecode = ctc.toBytecode() //  
    // Write back the JAR file
  else"Copy $ src ")
    FileUtils.copyFile(src, dest)
We also need the following additional imports to use Javassist:
import javassist.ClassPath
import javassist.ClassPool
import javassist.CtNewMethod
Once we have located the JAR file we want to modify, we add it to our classpath and retrieve the class we are interested in ( ). We locate the appropriate method and delete it ( ). Then, we add our custom method using the same name ( ). The whole operation is done in memory. We retrieve the bytecode of the modified class in . The remaining step is to rebuild the JAR file:
def input = new JarFile(src)
def output = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dest))
    if (!it.getName().equals("org/xwalk/core/internal/SslUtil.class"))  
        def s = input.getInputStream(it)
        output.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(it.getName()))
        IOUtils.copy(s, output)
output.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("org/xwalk/core/internal/SslUtil.class"))
We need the following additional imports:
import java.util.jar.JarEntry
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream
There are two steps. In , all classes are copied to the new JAR, except the SslUtil class. In , the modified bytecode for SslUtil is added to the JAR. That s all! You can view the complete example on GitHub.

More complex method replacement In the above example, the new method doesn t use any external dependency. Let s suppose we also want to replace the sslErrorFromNetErrorCode() method from the same class with the following one:
// In SslUtil class
public static SslError sslErrorFromNetErrorCode(int error,
                                                SslCertificate cert,
                                                String url)  
            return new SslError(SslError.SSL_IDMISMATCH, cert, url);
        case NetError.ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID:
            return new SslError(SslError.SSL_DATE_INVALID, cert, url);
            return new SslError(SslError.SSL_UNTRUSTED, cert, url);
    return new SslError(SslError.SSL_INVALID, cert, url);
The major difference with the previous example is that we need to import some additional classes.

Android SDK import The classes from the Android SDK are not part of the external dependencies. They need to be imported separately. The full path of the JAR file is:
androidJar = "$ android.getSdkDirectory().getAbsolutePath() /platforms/" +
             "$ android.getCompileSdkVersion() /android.jar"
We need to load it before adding the new method into SslUtil class:
def pool = new ClassPool()
pool.insertClassPath("$ src ")
def ctc = pool.get('org.xwalk.core.internal.SslUtil')
def ctm = ctc.getDeclaredMethod('sslErrorFromNetErrorCode')

External dependency import We must also import and therefore, we need to put the appropriate JAR in our classpath. The easiest way is to iterate through all the external dependencies and add them to the classpath.
def pool = new ClassPool()
        def jarName =
        def src = it.getFile()
        def status = it.getStatus()
        if (status != Status.REMOVED)  
            pool.insertClassPath("$ src ")
def ctc = pool.get('org.xwalk.core.internal.SslUtil')
def ctm = ctc.getDeclaredMethod('sslErrorFromNetErrorCode')
ctc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(" "))
// Then, rebuild the JAR...
Happy hacking!

  1. Before Android 4.4, the webview was severely outdated. Starting from Android 5, the webview is shipped as a separate component with updates. Embedding Crosswalk is still convenient as you know exactly which version you can rely on.
  2. I hope to have this fixed in later versions.
  3. This may seem harmful and you are right. However, if you have an internal CA, it is currently not possible to provide its own trust store to a webview. Moreover, the system trust store is not used either. You also may want to use TLS for authentication only with client certificates, a feature supported by Dashkiosk.
  4. Crosswalk being an opensource project, an alternative would have been to patch Crosswalk source code and recompile it. However, Crosswalk embeds Chromium and recompiling the whole stuff consumes a lot of resources.

20 August 2016

Francois Marier: Remplacer un disque RAID d fectueux

Traduction de l'article original anglais Voici la proc dure que j'ai suivi pour remplacer un disque RAID d fectueux sur une machine Debian.

Remplacer le disque Apr s avoir remarqu que /dev/sdb a t expuls de mon RAID, j'ai utilis smartmontools pour identifier le num ro de s rie du disque retirer :
smartctl -a /dev/sdb
Cette information en main, j'ai ferm l'ordinateur, retir le disque d fectueux et mis un nouveau disque vide la place.

Initialiser le nouveau disque Apr s avoir d marr avec le nouveau disque vide, j'ai copi la table de partitions avec parted. Premi rement, j'ai examin la table de partitions sur le disque dur non-d fectueux :
$ parted /dev/sda
unit s
et cr une nouvelle table de partitions sur le disque de remplacement :
$ parted /dev/sdb
unit s
mktable gpt
Ensuite j'ai utilis la commande mkpart pour mes 4 partitions et je leur ai toutes donn la m me taille que les partitions quivalentes sur /dev/sda. Finalement, j'ai utilis les commandes toggle 1 bios_grub (partition d'amorce) et toggle X raid (o X est le num ro de la partition) pour toutes les partitions RAID, avant de v rifier avec la commande print que les deux tables de partitions sont maintenant identiques.

Resynchroniser/recr er les RAID Pour synchroniser les donn es du bon disque (/dev/sda) vers celui de remplacement (/dev/sdb), j'ai ex cut les commandes suivantes sur mes partitions RAID1 :
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb2
mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sdb4
et j'ai gard un oeil sur le statut de la synchronisation avec :
watch -n 2 cat /proc/mdstat
Pour acc l rer le processus, j'ai utilis le truc suivant :
blockdev --setra 65536 "/dev/md0"
blockdev --setra 65536 "/dev/md2"
echo 300000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min
echo 1000000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_max
Ensuite, j'ai recr ma partition swap RAID0 comme suit :
mdadm /dev/md1 --create --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3
mkswap /dev/md1
Par que la partition swap est toute neuve (il n'est pas possible de restorer une partition RAID0, il faut la re-cr er compl tement), j'ai d faire deux choses:
  • remplacer le UUID pour swap dans /etc/fstab, avec le UUID donn par la commande mkswap (ou bien en utilisant la command blkid et en prenant le UUID pour /dev/md1)
  • remplacer le UUID de /dev/md1 dans /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf avec celui retourn pour /dev/md1 par la commande mdadm --detail --scan

S'assurer que l'on peut d marrer avec le disque de remplacement Pour tre certain de bien pouvoir d marrer la machine avec n'importe quel des deux disques, j'ai r install le boot loader grub sur le nouveau disque :
grub-install /dev/sdb
avant de red marrer avec les deux disques connect s. Ceci confirme que ma configuration fonctionne bien. Ensuite, j'ai d marr sans le disque /dev/sda pour m'assurer que tout fonctionnerait bien si ce disque d cidait de mourir et de me laisser seulement avec le nouveau (/dev/sdb). Ce test brise videmment la synchronisation entre les deux disques, donc j'ai d red marrer avec les deux disques connect s et puis r -ajouter /dev/sda tous les RAID1 :
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda2
mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sda4
Une fois le tout fini, j'ai red marrer nouveau avec les deux disques pour confirmer que tout fonctionne bien :
cat /proc/mdstat
et j'ai ensuite ex cuter un test SMART complet sur le nouveau disque :
smartctl -t long /dev/sdb

Francois Marier: Remplacer un disque RAID d fectueux

Traduction de l'article original anglais Voici la proc dure que j'ai suivi pour remplacer un disque RAID d fectueux sur une machine Debian.

Remplacer le disque Apr s avoir remarqu que /dev/sdb a t expuls de mon RAID, j'ai utilis smartmontools pour identifier le num ro de s rie du disque retirer :
smartctl -a /dev/sdb
Cette information en main, j'ai ferm l'ordinateur, retir le disque d fectueux et mis un nouveau disque vide la place.

Initialiser le nouveau disque Apr s avoir d marr avec le nouveau disque vide, j'ai copi la table de partitions avec parted. Premi rement, j'ai examin la table de partitions sur le disque dur non-d fectueux :
$ parted /dev/sda
unit s
et cr une nouvelle table de partitions sur le disque de remplacement :
$ parted /dev/sdb
unit s
mktable gpt
Ensuite j'ai utilis la commande mkpart pour mes 4 partitions et je leur ai toutes donn la m me taille que les partitions quivalentes sur /dev/sda. Finalement, j'ai utilis les commandes toggle 1 bios_grub (partition d'amorce) et toggle X raid (o X est le num ro de la partition) pour toutes les partitions RAID, avant de v rifier avec la commande print que les deux tables de partitions sont maintenant identiques.

Resynchroniser/recr er les RAID Pour synchroniser les donn es du bon disque (/dev/sda) vers celui de remplacement (/dev/sdb), j'ai ex cut les commandes suivantes sur mes partitions RAID1 :
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb2
mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sdb4
et j'ai gard un oeil sur le statut de la synchronisation avec :
watch -n 2 cat /proc/mdstat
Pour acc l rer le processus, j'ai utilis le truc suivant :
blockdev --setra 65536 "/dev/md0"
blockdev --setra 65536 "/dev/md2"
echo 300000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min
echo 1000000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_max
Ensuite, j'ai recr ma partition swap RAID0 comme suit :
mdadm /dev/md1 --create --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3
mkswap /dev/md1
Par que la partition swap est toute neuve (il n'est pas possible de restorer une partition RAID0, il faut la re-cr er compl tement), j'ai d faire deux choses:
  • remplacer le UUID pour swap dans /etc/fstab, avec le UUID donn par la commande mkswap (ou bien en utilisant la command blkid et en prenant le UUID pour /dev/md1)
  • remplacer le UUID de /dev/md1 dans /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf avec celui retourn pour /dev/md1 par la commande mdadm --detail --scan

S'assurer que l'on peut d marrer avec le disque de remplacement Pour tre certain de bien pouvoir d marrer la machine avec n'importe quel des deux disques, j'ai r install le boot loader grub sur le nouveau disque :
grub-install /dev/sdb
avant de red marrer avec les deux disques connect s. Ceci confirme que ma configuration fonctionne bien. Ensuite, j'ai d marr sans le disque /dev/sda pour m'assurer que tout fonctionnerait bien si ce disque d cidait de mourir et de me laisser seulement avec le nouveau (/dev/sdb). Ce test brise videmment la synchronisation entre les deux disques, donc j'ai d red marrer avec les deux disques connect s et puis r -ajouter /dev/sda tous les RAID1 :
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda2
mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sda4
Une fois le tout fini, j'ai red marrer nouveau avec les deux disques pour confirmer que tout fonctionne bien :
cat /proc/mdstat
et j'ai ensuite ex cuter un test SMART complet sur le nouveau disque :
smartctl -t long /dev/sdb

31 July 2016

Hideki Yamane: another apt proxy tool: "go-apt-cacher" and "go-apt-mirror"

Recently I've attended Tokyo Debian meeting at Cybozu, Inc., Nihonbashi, Tokyo.

And people from Cybozu introduced their product named "go-apt-cacher" and "go-apt-mirror".

apt-cacher-ng and apt-mirror have some problems and their product solve it, they said. They put them into their production environment (with thousands of Ubuntu servers) and it works well, so some people uses apt proxy tools may be interested to it (ping Vasudev Kamath :-) .

If it would be interesting for you, please give a comment via Twitter (@ymmt2005) or at their GitHub repo. (or help to package them and put into official repo :-)

23 July 2016

Francois Marier: Replacing a failed RAID drive

Here's the complete procedure I followed to replace a failed drive from a RAID array on a Debian machine.

Replace the failed drive After seeing that /dev/sdb had been kicked out of my RAID array, I used smartmontools to identify the serial number of the drive to pull out:
smartctl -a /dev/sdb
Armed with this information, I shutdown the computer, pulled the bad drive out and put the new blank one in.

Initialize the new drive After booting with the new blank drive in, I copied the partition table using parted. First, I took a look at what the partition table looks like on the good drive:
$ parted /dev/sda
unit s
and created a new empty one on the replacement drive:
$ parted /dev/sdb
unit s
mktable gpt
then I ran mkpart for all 4 partitions and made them all the same size as the matching ones on /dev/sda. Finally, I ran toggle 1 bios_grub (boot partition) and toggle X raid (where X is the partition number) for all RAID partitions, before verifying using print that the two partition tables were now the same.

Resync/recreate the RAID arrays To sync the data from the good drive (/dev/sda) to the replacement one (/dev/sdb), I ran the following on my RAID1 partitions:
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb2
mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sdb4
and kept an eye on the status of this sync using:
watch -n 2 cat /proc/mdstat
In order to speed up the sync, I used the following trick:
blockdev --setra 65536 "/dev/md0"
blockdev --setra 65536 "/dev/md2"
echo 300000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min
echo 1000000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_max
Then, I recreated my RAID0 swap partition like this:
mdadm /dev/md1 --create --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3
mkswap /dev/md1
Because the swap partition is brand new (you can't restore a RAID0, you need to re-create it), I had to update two things:
  • replace the UUID for the swap mount in /etc/fstab, with the one returned by mkswap (or running blkid and looking for /dev/md1)
  • replace the UUID for /dev/md1 in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf with the one returned for /dev/md1 by mdadm --detail --scan

Ensuring that I can boot with the replacement drive In order to be able to boot from both drives, I reinstalled the grub boot loader onto the replacement drive:
grub-install /dev/sdb
before rebooting with both drives to first make sure that my new config works. Then I booted without /dev/sda to make sure that everything would be fine should that drive fail and leave me with just the new one (/dev/sdb). This test obviously gets the two drives out of sync, so I rebooted with both drives plugged in and then had to re-add /dev/sda to the RAID1 arrays:
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda2
mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sda4
Once that finished, I rebooted again with both drives plugged in to confirm that everything is fine:
cat /proc/mdstat
Then I ran a full SMART test over the new replacement drive:
smartctl -t long /dev/sdb

20 July 2016

Daniel Pocock: How many mobile phone accounts will be hijacked this summer?

Summer vacations have been getting tougher in recent years. Airlines cut into your precious vacation time with their online check-in procedures and a dozen reminder messages, there is growing concern about airport security and Brexit has already put one large travel firm into liquidation leaving holidaymakers in limbo. If that wasn't all bad enough, now there is a new threat: while you are relaxing in the sun, scammers fool your phone company into issuing a replacement SIM card or transferring your mobile number to a new provider and then proceed to use it to take over all your email, social media, Paypal and bank accounts. The same scam has been appearing around the globe, from Britain to Australia and everywhere in between. Many of these scams were predicted in my earlier blog SMS logins: an illusion of security (April 2014) but they are only starting to get publicity now as more aspects of our lives are at risk, scammers are ramping up their exploits and phone companies are floundering under the onslaught. With the vast majority of Internet users struggling to keep their passwords out of the wrong hands, many organizations have started offering their customers the option of receiving two-factor authentication codes on their mobile phone during login. Rather than making people safer, this has simply given scammers an incentive to seize control of telephones, usually by tricking the phone company to issue a replacement SIM or port the number. It also provides a fresh incentive for criminals to steal phones while cybercriminals have been embedding code into many "free" apps to surreptitiously re-route the text messages and gather other data they need for an identity theft sting. Sadly, telephone networks were never designed for secure transactions. Telecoms experts have made this clear numerous times. Some of the largest scams in the history of financial services exploited phone verification protocols as the weakest link in the chain, including a $150 million heist reminiscent of Ocean's 11. For phone companies, SMS messaging came as a side-effect of digital communications for mobile handsets. It is less than one percent of their business. SMS authentication is less than one percent of that. Phone companies lose little or nothing when SMS messages are hijacked so there is little incentive for them to secure it. Nonetheless, like insects riding on an elephant, numerous companies have popped up with a business model that involves linking websites to the wholesale telephone network and dressing it up as a "security" solution. These companies are able to make eye-watering profits by "purchasing" text messages for $0.01 and selling them for $0.02 (one hundred percent gross profit), but they also have nothing to lose when SIM cards are hijacked and therefore minimal incentive to take any responsibility. Companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter have thrown more fuel on the fire by encouraging and sometimes even demanding users provide mobile phone numbers to "prove they are human" or "protect" their accounts. Through these antics, these high profile companies have given a vast percentage of the population a false sense of confidence in codes delivered by mobile phone, yet the real motivation for these companies does not appear to be security at all: they have worked out that the mobile phone number is the holy grail in cross-referencing vast databases of users and customers from different sources for all sorts of creepy purposes. As most of their services don't involve any financial activity, they have little to lose if accounts are compromised and everything to gain by accurately gathering mobile phone numbers from as many users as possible.
Can you escape your mobile phone while on vacation? Just how hard is it to get a replacement SIM card or transfer/port a user's phone number while they are on vacation? Many phone companies will accept instructions through a web form or a phone call. Scammers need little more than a user's full name, home address and date of birth: vast lists of these private details are circulating on the black market, sourced from social media, data breaches (99% of which are never detected or made public), marketing companies and even the web sites that encourage your friends to send you free online birthday cards. Every time a company has asked me to use mobile phone authentication so far, I've opted out and I'll continue to do so. Even if somebody does hijack my phone account while I'm on vacation, the consequences for me are minimal as it will not give them access to any other account or service, can you and your family members say the same thing? What can be done?
  • Opt-out of mobile phone authentication schemes.
  • Never give the mobile phone number to web sites unless there is a real and pressing need for them to call you.
  • Tell firms you don't have a mobile phone or that you share your phone with your family and can't use it for private authentication.
  • If you need to use two-factor authentication, only use technical solutions such as smart cards or security tokens that have been engineered exclusively for computer security. Leave them in a locked drawer or safe while on vacation. Be wary of anybody who insists on SMS and doesn't offer these other options.
  • Rather than seeking to "protect" accounts, simply close some or all social media accounts to reduce your exposure and eliminate the effort of keeping them "secure" and updating "privacy" settings.
  • If your bank provides a relationship manager or other personal contact, this
    can also provide a higher level of security as they get to know you.
Previous blogs on SMS messaging, security and two factor authentication, including my earlier blog SMS Logins: an illusion of security.

22 June 2016

Andrew Cater: Why I must use Free Software - and why I tell others to do so

My work colleagues know me well as a Free/Libre software zealot, constantly pointing out to them how people should behave, how FLOSS software trumps commercial software and how this is the only way forward. This for the last 20 odd years. It's a strain to argue this repeatedly: at various times, I have been asked to set out more clearly why I use FLOSS, what the advantages are, why and how to contribute to FLOSS software.

"We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.
We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.
Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, and there is no matter here
In our world, whatever the human mind may create can be reproduced and distributed infinitely at no cost. The global conveyance of thought no longer requires your factories to accomplish."
[John Perry Barlow - Declaration of the independence of cyberspace 1996]

That's some of it right there: I was seduced by a modem and the opportunities it gave. I've lived in this world since 1994, come to appreciate it and never really had the occasion to regret it.

I'm involved in the Debian community - which is very much a "do-ocracy" - and I've lived with Debian GNU Linux since 1995 and not had much cause to regret that either, though I do regret that force of circumstance has meant that I can't contribute as much as I'd like. Pretty much every machine I touch ends up running Debian, one way or the other, or should do if I had my way.
Digging through my emails since then on the various mailing lists - some of them are deeply technical, though fewer these days: some are Debian political: most are trying to help people with problems / report successes or, occasionally thanks and social chit chat. Most people in the project have never met me - though that's not unusual in an organisation with a thousand developers spread worldwide - and so the occasional chance to talk to people in real life is invaluable.

The crucial thing is that there is common purpose and common intelligence - however crazy mailing list flame wars can get sometimes - and committed, caring people. Some of us may be crazy zealots, some picky and argumentative - Debian is what we have in common, pretty much.

It doesn't depend on physical ability. Espy (Joel Klecker) was one of our best and brightest until his death at age 21: almost nobody knew he was dying until after his death. My own physical limitations are pretty much irrelevant provided I can type.

It does depend on collaboration and the strange, dysfunctional family that is our community and the wider FLOSS community in which we share and in which some of us have multiple identities in working with different projects.
This is going to end up too long for Planet Debian - I'll end this post here and then continue with some points on how to contribute and why employers should let their employers work on FLOSS.

1 June 2016

Keerthana Krishnan: Dealing with the Light Blue Screen Of Doom

Hi! With my third consecutive post of the day, I d like to speak about the login error usually seen on Gnome desktops, aka : Light Blue Screen of Doom . As far as I know, this bug is associated with Gnome and is usually because of faulty installation of gnome files and it was something that tormented me endlessly last week when I tried to install Debian 8 (Jessie) Unfortunately, I never really fixed it myself. What started off as a problem with gnome quickly snowballed into something else that wiped my routing table, making sure I couldn t even update the corrupted files properly. Although I came across a lot of bug reports in my quest to solve it, I never really found a solution.
Reinstallation seems to be only option left here, but there are a few checks you can make
  1. Call the terminal. Use Ctrl+Alt+F2, you should be able to get your command line.
  2. Login as root. This is extreme troubleshooting. You need root
  3. Check and see if startx works. (Yay! problem solved if it does!)
  4. Try to see if the basic gnome packages are installed type apt-get install with basic gnome packages like gnome-desktop-environment, gdm, gnome, etc.. to see if they are installed. If not, try to install them and then run the startx command.
  5. If you can t install them, or if they are already installed, try running the updating the system

    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
    apt-get dist-upgrade //If OS is at newest version
  6. If updating doesn t work and gives Failed to Fetch errors for all the source links, try pinging the network to make sure you have a connection.

  7. If you do have a connection, verify the sources :

    nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    deb jessie main contrib non-free
    #deb-src jessie main contrib non-free
    deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
    #deb-src jessie/updates main contrib non-free
    deb testing main contrib non-free
    #deb-src testing main contrib non-free
    deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
    #deb-src testing/updates main contrib non-free
  8. If you have no connection, check your routing table with the command netstat -nr . If this routing table is completely empty, then I ve got some bad news for you. Reinstallation is your new friend. Try and see if you can copy your files using command line. cp and ls are basically your new best friends.
Here s a guide to help change your OS. Hopefully, everything works out and you re back to working in no time!

25 April 2016

Antoine Beaupr : My free software activities, April 2016

Debian Long Term Support (LTS) This is my 5th month working on Debian LTS, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. This is my largest month so far, in which I worked on completing the Xen and NSS packages updates from last month, but also spent a significant amount of time working on phpMyAdmin and libidn.

Updates to NSS and Xen completed This basically consisted on following up on the reviews from other security people. I basically continued building up on Brian's work and tested the package on a test server at Koumbit, which seems to have survived well the upgrade. The details are in this post to the debian-lts mailing list. As for NSS, the package was mostly complete, but I forgot to ship the tests for some reason, so I added them back. I also wrote the release team to see if it was possible to update NSS to the same version in all suites. Unfortunately, this issue is still pending, but I still hope we can find better ways of managing that package in the long term.

IDN and phpMyAdmin Most of my time this month was spent working on IDN and phpMyAdmin. Unfortunately, it turns out that someone else had worked on the libidn package. This is partly my fault: I forgot to check in the dsa-needed.txt file for assignment before working on the package. But considering how in flux the workflow currently is with the switch between the main security team and the LTS team for the wheezy maintenance, I don't feel too bad. Still, I prepared a package which was a bit more painful than it should have been because of GNUlib. I didn't even know about GNUlib before, oddly enough, and after that experience, I feel that it should just not exist at all anymore. I have filed a bug to remove that dependency at the very least, but I do not clearly see how such a tool is necessary on Debian at this point in time. But phpMyAdmin, no one had worked on that. And I understand why: even though it's a very popular package, there were quite a few outstanding issues (8!) in Wheezy, with 10-15 patches to be ported. Plus, it's ... well, PHP. And old PHP at that, with parts of it with modern autoloader classes, and other with mixed HTML and PHP content, require (and not require_once) and all sorts of nasty things you still find in the PHP universe. I nevertheless managed to produce a new Debian package for wheezy and test it on Koumbit's test servers. Hopefully, that can land into Wheezy soon.

Long term software support I am a little worried that we are, both in Jessie and Wheezy sitting in between stable releases for phpMyAdmin, something that is a recurring issue for a lot of packages in Debian stable or LTS. Sometimes, it just happens that the version that happens to be in Debian testing when it is released as stable is just not a supported release upstream. It's the case for phpMyAdmin in Jessie (4.3, whereas 4.0 and 4.4 are supported) and Wheezy (3.4, although it's unclear how long that was supported upstream). But even if the next Debian stable (Stretch), would pick a stable release upstream, there is actually no phpMyAdmin release that has a support window as long as Debian stable (roughly 3 years), let alone as long as Debian LTS (5 years). This is a similar problem with NSS: upstream is simply not supporting their product in the long term, or at least not in the terms we are used to in the Debian community (ie. only security fixes or regressions). This is, in my opinion, a real concern for the reliability and sustainability of the computing infrastructure we are creating. While some developers are of the opinion that software older than 18 months is too old, here we are shipping hardware and software in space or we have Solaris, which is supported for 16 years! Now that is a serious commitment and something we can rely on. 18 months is really, really, a tiny short time in the history of our civilization. I know computer programmers and engineers like to think of themselves in elitist terms, that they are changing the world every other year. But the truth is that things have not changed much in the last 4 decades where computing has existed, both in terms of security or functionality. Two quotes from my little quotes collection come to mind here:
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. - Wirth's law The future is already here it's just not very evenly distributed. - William Gibson
Because of course, the response to my claims that computing is not really advancing is "but look! we have supercomputers in our pockets now!" Yes, of course, we do have those fancy phones and they are super-connected, but they are a threat to our fundamental rights and freedom. And those glittering advances always pale in comparison to what could be done if we wouldn't be wasting our time rewriting the same software over and over again on different, often proprietary, platforms, simply because of the megalomaniac fantasies of egoistic programmers. It would be great to build something that lasts, for a while. Software that does not need to be updated every 16 months. You'd think that something as basic as a screensaver release could survive what is basically the range of human infancy. Yet it seems we like to run mindlessly in the minefield of software development, one generation following the other without questioning the underlying assumption of infinite growth that permeates our dying civilization. I have talked about this before of course, but working with the LTS project just unnerves me so bad that I just needed to let out another rant. (For the record, I really have a lot of respect for JWZ and all the work he has done in the free software world. I frequently refer to his "no-bullshit" backup guide and use Xscreensaver daily. But I do think he was wrong in this case: asking Debian to remove Xscreensaver is just too much. The response from the maintainer was exemplary of how to handle such issues in the future. I restarted Xscreensaver after the stable update, and the message is gone, and things are still all fine. Thanks JWZ and Tormod for keeping things rolling.)

Other free software work With that in mind, I obviously didn't stop doing other computing work this month. In fact, I did a lot of work to try to generally fix the internet, that endless and not-quite-gratifying hobby so many of us are destroying our bodies to accomplish.

Build tools I have experimented a bit more with different build tools. I got worried because at some point cowbuilder got orphaned and I figured I could refresh the way I build packages for LTS. I looked into sbuild, but that ended up not bringing much improvements over my current cowbuilder setup (which I really need to document better). I was asked by the new maintainer to open a bug report to make such setups easier by guessing the basepath better, so we'll see how that goes. I did enjoy the simplicity of gitpkg and discovered cowpoke which made it about 2 times faster to build packages because I could use another server to build larger packages. I also found that gitpkg doesn't use -n by default when calling gzip, which makes it harder to reproduce tarballs when they are themselves built reproducibly, which is the case for Github tarballs (really nice of them). So I filed bug #820842 about that. It would be pretty awesome if such buildds would be available for Debian Developers to do their daily tasks. It could simply be a machine that would spin up a chroot with cowbuilder or it could even be a full, temporary VM although that would take way more resources than a simple VM with a cowbuilder setup. In the meantime, I should probably look at whalebuilder as an alternative to cowbuilder. It is a tool that supports building packages within a Docker chroot, which means that packages are built from a clean environment like pbuilder, and using COW optimisations but also without privileges or network access, which is a huge plus especially when you build untrusted packages.

Ikiwiki admonitions I have done some work to implement Moinmoin-like admonitions in Ikiwiki, something I am quite happy about since it's something I was really missing about Moinmoin. Admonitions bring a really nice way to outline certain blocks with varying severity levels and distinct styles. For example:
Admonitions are great!
This was done with a macro, but basically, since Markdown allows more or less arbitrary HTML, this can also be done with the <div> tag. I like that we don't have a new weird markup here. Yet, I still liked the sub-parser feature of MoinMoin, something that can be implemented in Ikiwiki, but it's a little more clunky. Normally, you'd probably do this with the inline macro and subpages, but it's certainly less intuitive that directly inlined content.

Ereader I got a new e-reader! I was hesitant between the Kobo Aura H20 and the Kobo Glo HD, which were the ones available at Bestbuy. So I bought both and figured I would return the other. That was a painful decision! In the end, both machines are pretty nice:
  • Aura H2O
    • Pros:
      • waterproof
      • larger screen (makes it easier to see web pages and better for the eyes)
      • naturally drawn to it
    • Cons:
      • heavier
      • larger (fits in outside pocket though)
      • port cover finicky
      • more expensive (180$) - prices may go down in future
  • Aura Glo HD
    • Pros
      • smaller (fits in inside pocket of both coats)
      • better resolution in theory (can't notice in practice)
      • cheaper (100$)
      • may be less common on the future (larger models more common? just a guess)
    • Cons
      • no SD card
      • smaller screen
      • power button in the middle
... but in the end, I ended up settling down on the Glo, mostly for the price. Heck, I saved around 100$, so for that amount, I could have gotten two machines so that if one breaks I would still have the other. I have ordered a cover for it on Deal Extreme about two weeks ago, and it still hasn't arrived. I suspect it's going to take a few more months to get there, by which point I may have changed e-reader again. Note that both e-readers needed an update to calibre, so I started working on a calibre backport (#818309) which I will complete soon. So anyways, I looked into better ways of transferring articles from the web to the e-reader, something which I do quite a bit to avoid spending too much time on the computer. Since the bookmark manager I use (Bookie) is pretty much dead, I started looking at other alternatives. And partly inspired by Framasoft's choice of Wallabag for their bookmarking service (Framabag), I started to look into that software, especially since my friend who currently runs the Bookie instance is thinking of switching to Wallabag as well. It seems the simplest way to browse articles remotely through a standard protocol is by implementing OPDS support in Wallabag. OPDS is a standard developed in part by the Internet Archive and it allows for browsing book collections and downloading them. Articles and bookmarks would then be presented as individual books that would be accessible from any OPDS-compatible device. Unfortunately, the Kobo e-readers don't support OPDS out of the box: you need to setup some OPDS-compatible reader like Koreader. And that I found nearly impossible to do: I was able to setup KSM (the "start menu", not to be confused with that KSM), but not Koreader in KSM. Besides, I do not want a separate OS running here on the tablet: I just want to start Koreader every once in a while. KSM just starts another system when you reboot the e-reader, something which is not really convenient on the Kobo. Basically, I just want to add Koreader as a tile in the home screen on the e-reader. I found the documentation on that topic to be sparse and hard to follow. It is often dispersed across multiple forum threads and involves uploading random binaries, often proprietary, to the e-reader. It had been a long time since I was asked to "register my software" frenetically, and I hadn't missed that one bit. So I decided to stay away from this until that solution and its documentation matures a bit.

Streaming re-established I have worked a bit on my home radio stream. I simply turned the Liquidsoap stream back online, and did a few tweaks to the documentation that I had built back then. All that experimenting led me to do two NMUs. One was for gmpc-plugins to fix a FTBFS (bug #807735) and to properly kill the shout streamer when completing the playback (bug #820908). The other was to fix the ezstream manpage (bug #573928), a patch that had been sitting there for 5 years! This was to try to find an easy way to stream random audio (say from a microphone) to the Icecast server, something which is surprisingly difficult, consider how basic that functionality is. I was surprised to see that Darkice just completely fails to start (bug #821040) and I had to fallback to the simplest ices2 software to stream the audio. I am still having issues with Liquidsoap: it's really unstable! As a server, I would expect it to keep running for days if not years. Unfortunately, there's always something that makes it crash. I had assertion failed (bug #821112) and I keep seeing it crash after 2-3 days fairly reliably, a bug I reported 3 years ago and that is still not fixed (bug #727307). Switching back the stream to Vorbis (because I was having problems with the commandline mp3 players and ogg123 is much more lightweight) created another set of problems too, this time with the phone. It seems that Android cannot stream Vorbis at all, something that is even worse in Cyanogenmod... I also had to tweak my MPD config to make the Android client be able to load the larger playlists (see dmix buffer is full).

Android apps So I have also done quite a bit of work again on my phone. I finally was told how to access from Termux from adb shell which is pretty cool because now I can start a screen on my phone and then, when I'm tired of tapping to type, I can just reconnect to it when I plug in a USB cable on my laptop. I sent a pull request to fix the documentation regarding that. I also tried to see how my SMS and Signal situation could be improved. Right now, I have two different apps to do SMS on my phone: I use both Signal and the SMS client, because I do not have a contract or SIM card in my phone. Both work well independently, but it's somewhat annoying to have to switch between the two. (In fact, I feel that Signal itself has an issue with how it depends on the network to send encrypted messages: I often have to "ping" people in clear text (and therefore in the other app) so that they connect to their data plan to fetch my "secure" signal messages...) Anyways, I figured it would be nice if at least there would be a SMS fallback in Signal that would allow me to send regular text messages from signal through Voip.MS. That was dismissed really fast. Moxie even closed the conversation completely, something I had never experienced before, and doesn't feel exactly pleasant. The Voip.MS side was of course not impressed and basically shrugged it off because Signal was not receptive. I also tried to clear up the Libresignal confusion: there are 3 different projects named "Libresignal", and I am not sure I figured out the right thing, even though the issue is now closed and there's a FAQ that is supposed to make all that clear. Nevertheless, I opened two distinct feature requests to try to steer the conversation into a more productive direction: GCM-less calls and GCM support. But I'm not sure neither will go anywhere. In the meantime, I am using the official signal client, which I downloaded using gplaycli and which I keep up to date with Aptoide. Even though the reliability of that site is definitely questionable, it seems that once you have a trusted version, it is safe to upgrade, regardless of the source because there is a trust path between you and the developer. I also filed a few issues with varying levels of success/response from the community:

Random background radiation And then there's of course the monthly background noise of all the projects I happened to not only stumble on, but also file bugs or patches against:

16 April 2016

Scott Kitterman: Future of secure systems in the US

As a rule, I avoid writing publicly on political topics, but I m making an exception. In case you haven t been following it, the senior Republican and the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee recently announced a legislative proposal misleadingly called the Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016. The full text of the draft can be found here. It would effectively ban devices and software in the United States that the manufacturer cannot retrieve data from. Here is a good analysis of the breadth of the proposal and a good analysis of the bill itself. While complying with court orders might sound great in theory, in practice this means these devices and software will be insecure by design. While that s probably reasonably obvious to most normal readers here, don t just take my word for it, take Bruce Schneier s. In my opinion, policy makers (and it s not just in the United States) are suffering from a perception gap about security and how technically hard it is to get right. It seems to me that they are convinced that technologists could just do security right while still allowing some level of extraordinary access for law enforcement if they only wanted to. We ve tried this before and the story never seems to end well. This isn t a complaint from wide eyed radicals that such extraordinary access is morally wrong or inappropriate. It s hard core technologists saying it can t be done. I don t know how to get the message across. Here s President Obama, in my opinion, completely missing the point when he equates a desire for security with fetishizing our phones above every other value. Here are some very smart people trying very hard to be reasonable about some mythical middle ground. As Riana Pfefferkorn s analysis that I linked in the first paragraph discusses, this middle ground doesn t exist and all the arm waving in the world by policy makers won t create it. Coincidentally, this same week, the White House announced a new Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity . Cybersecurity is certainly something we could use more of, unfortunately Congress seems to be heading off in the opposite direction and no one from the executive branch has spoken out against it. Security and privacy are important to many people. Given the personal and financial importance of data stored in computers (traditional or mobile), users don t want criminals to get a hold of it. Companies know this, which is why both Apple IOS and Google Android both encrypt their local file systems by default now. If a bill anything like what s been proposed becomes law, users that care about security are going to go elsewhere. That may end up being non-US companies products or US companies may shift operations to localities more friendly to secure design. Either way, the US tech sector loses. A more accurate title would have been Technology Jobs Off-Shoring Act of 2016. EDIT: Fixed a typo.

31 March 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in March 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
  • Presented Reproducible Builds - fulfilling the original promise of free software at FOSSASIA '16.
  • Uploaded libfiu (0.94-4), adding a patch from Logan Rose to fix a FTBFS with ld --as-needed.
My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in more depth in Lunar's weekly reports (#44, #45, #46, #47).

This month I have been paid to work 7 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). Whilst the LTS team will take over support from the Security Team on April 26, 2016, in the meantime I did the following:
  • Archived the squeeze distribution (via the FTPteam).
  • Assisted in preparing updates for python-django.
  • Helping end-users migrate to wheezy now that squeeze LTS has reached end-of-life.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 143 packages: acme-tiny, berkshelf-api, circlator, cloud-utils, corsix-th, cronic, diaspora-installer, dub, dumb-init, firehol, firetools, flask-bcrypt, flask-oldsessions, flycheck, ganeti, geany-plugins, git-build-recipe, git-phab, gnome-shell-extension-caffeine, gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer, golang-github-cheggaaa-pb, golang-github-coreos-ioprogress, golang-github-cyberdelia-go-metrics-graphite, golang-github-cznic-ql, golang-github-elazarl-goproxy, golang-github-hashicorp-hil, golang-github-mitchellh-go-wordwrap, golang-github-mvdan-xurls, golang-github-paulrosania-go-charset, golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonreference, golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonschema, grilo-plugins, gtk3-nocsd, herisvm, identity4c, lemonldap-ng, libisal, libmath-gsl-perl, libmemcached-libmemcached-perl, libplack-middleware-logany-perl, libplack-middleware-logwarn-perl, libpng1.6, libqmi, librdf-generator-http-perl, libtime-moment-perl, libvirt-php, libxml-compile-soap-perl, libxml-compile-wsdl11-perl, linux, linux-tools, mdk-doc, mesa, mpdecimal, msi-keyboard, nauty, node-addressparser, node-ansi-regex, node-argparse, node-array-find-index, node-base62, node-co, node-component-consoler, node-crypto-cacerts, node-decamelize, node-delve, node-for-in, node-function-bind, node-generator-supported, node-invert-kv, node-json-localizer, node-normalize-git-url, node-nth-check, node-obj-util, node-read-file, node-require-dir, node-require-main-filename, node-seq, node-starttls, node-through, node-uid-number, node-uri-path, node-url-join, node-xmlhttprequest-ssl, ocrmypdf, octave-netcdf, open-infrastructure-container-tools, osmose-emulator, pdal, pep8, pg-backup-ctl, php-guzzle, printrun, pydocstyle, pysynphot, python-antlr3, python-biom-format, python-brainstorm, python-django-adminsortable, python-feather-format, python-gevent, python-lxc, python-mongoengine, python-nameparser, python-pdal, python-pefile, python-phabricator, python-pika-pool, python-pynlpl, python-qtawesome, python-requests-unixsocket, python-saharaclient, python-stringtemplate3, r-cran-adegraphics, r-cran-assertthat, r-cran-bold, r-cran-curl, r-cran-data.table, r-cran-htmltools, r-cran-httr, r-cran-lazyeval, r-cran-mcmc, r-cran-openssl, r-cran-pbdzmq, r-cran-rncl, r-cran-uuid, rawtran, reel, ruby-certificate-authority, ruby-rspec-pending-for, ruby-ruby-engine, ruby-ruby-version, scribus-ng, specutils, symfony, tandem-mass, tdb, thrift, udfclient, vala, why3, wmaker, xdg-app & xiccd.

7 March 2016

Hideki Yamane: Debian meeting in Tokyo (2016 March)

5th March, we've held Debian (Debian meeting) in Tokyo. (Cybozu, Inc.) kindly provides their office for meeting, thanks for folks in Cybozu.

This time, three talks were given:

    • Kentaro is "groonga"(an open-source fulltext search engine and column store) upstream author and package maintainer in Debian and Fedora. This talk is about his experience how to use Debian "porterbox" for non-DDs.
  • "Porting Debian to tilegx" by @wskoka
    • About his experience porting Debian to tilegx architecture, multicore processor family by Tilera. He is not porting expert ("I'm sale person", he said :), but did try&error and now apt is working on that machine.
  • "Introduction to Debian Ports" by John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
    • Adrian comes from Germany(!) and gave a talk about debian-ports.

During break time, did some discussion, GPG keysigning and enjoyed coffee and sweets provided by Cybozu, thanks!

And thanks for all participates!

7 December 2015

Francois Marier: Tweaking Cookies For Privacy in Firefox

Cookies are an important part of the Web since they are the primary mechanism that websites use to maintain user sessions. Unfortunately, they are also abused by surveillance marketing companies to follow you around the Web. Here are a few things you can do in Firefox to protect your privacy.

Cookie Expiry Cookies are sent from the website to your browser via a Set-Cookie HTTP header on the response. It looks like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2015 16:55:43 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: SESSIONID=65576c6c64206e6f2c657920756f632061726b636465742065686320646f2165
Content-Length: 2036
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
When your browser sees this, it saves that cookie for the given hostname and keeps it until you close the browser. Should a site want to persist their cookie for longer, they can add an Expires attribute:
Set-Cookie: SESSIONID=65576c...; expires=Tue, 06-Dec-2016 22:38:26 GMT
in which case the browser will retain the cookie until the server-provided expiry date (which could be in a few years). Of course, that's if you don't instruct your browser to do things differently.

Third-Party Cookies So far, we've only looked at first-party cookies: the ones set by the website you visit and which are typically used to synchronize your login state with the server. There is however another kind: third-party cookies. These ones are set by the third-party resources that a page loads. For example, if a page loads JavaScript from a third-party ad network, you can be pretty confident that they will set their own cookie in order to build a profile on you and serve you "better and more relevant ads".

Controlling Third-Party Cookies If you'd like to opt out of these, you have a couple of options. The first one is to turn off third-party cookies entirely by going back into the Privacy preferences and selecting "Never" next to the "Accept third-party cookies" setting (network.cookie.cookieBehavior = 1). Unfortunately, turning off third-party cookies entirely tends to break a number of sites which rely on this functionality (for example as part of their for login process). A more forgiving option is to accept third-party cookies only for sites which you have actually visited directly. For example, if you visit Facebook and login, you will get a cookie from them. Then when you visit other sites which include Facebook widgets they will not recognize you unless you allow cookies to be sent in a third-party context. To do that, choose the "From visited" option (network.cookie.cookieBehavior = 3). In addition to this setting, you can also choose to make all third-party cookies automatically expire when you close Firefox by setting the network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly option to true in about:config.

Other Ways to Limit Third-Party Cookies Another way to limit undesirable third-party cookies is to tell the browser to avoid connecting to trackers in the first place. This functionality is now built into Private Browsing mode and enabled by default. To enable it outside of Private Browsing too, simply go into about:config and set privacy.trackingprotection.enabled to true. You could also install the EFF's Privacy Badger add-on which uses heuristics to detect and block trackers, unlike Firefox tracking protection which uses a blocklist of known trackers.

My Recommended Settings On my work computer I currently use the following:
network.cookie.cookieBehavior = 3
network.cookie.lifetimePolicy = 3
network.cookie.lifetime.days = 5
network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly = true
privacy.trackingprotection.enabled = true
which allows me to stay logged into most sites for the whole week (no matter now often I restart Firefox Nightly) while limiting tracking and other undesirable cookies as much as possible.

5 November 2015

Gunnar Wolf: WTF @omarfayad Should *all* computer activity be illegal now? #LeyFayad

Last week, Senator Omar Fayad presented one of the prime examples of a poorly redacted law that, if enacted, will make basically any way of computer use illegal. And yes, even if he states this is merely a draft, it has so many factual and conceptual errors that there is no way to trust sanity can be regained at any point. Oh, and before I continue with this rant: If the topic interests you, I suggest you to read the 10 key points about Ley Fayad, the worst Internet initiative in history, published by [update] An English equivalent of the work at r3d, at #LeyFayad: The Worst Bill in Internet History The full text (in Spanish, of course) for the law initiative is available at the Senate webpage; the law will be called Ley Federal para Prevenir y Sancionar los Delitos Inform ticos (Federal law to prevent and punish informatic felonies<) A bad name to start with, as there are many laws already in that contested area. I started reading with the preamble (Exposici n de motivos), which already shows bad signs of imprecise redaction and is plagued with factual errors (i.e. asserting that the real danger stems from the Web migrating to the Web 2.0, from which stems that this migration and not any previous one. Or by stating that (quoting+translating a full paragraph):
Activities such as electronic commerce, digital periodism, publicity and the opinions, messages or elements written in social networks can lead to patrimonial, reputation, honor or professional activity losses for people.
He continues by stating that only 16% of the countries have some kind of cybersecurity strategy (and, of course, Mexico doesn't). That... Well, is very hard to believe, as Mexico has two separate policial groups devoted to cybersecurity, and laws regulating from electronic signatures, commerce, identity, privacy, use and abuse, and a long list. Of course, as most law proposals go, it quickly decays into a dry, boring document... And I must admit I didn't fully read it, but picked here and there. I won't copy in full the note I mentioned at the beginning at, but will continue with some strange points, such as:
Article 16
Every person that, without the corresponding authorization or exceeding the authorization confered, accesses, intercepts, interfers or uses an information system, will be punished by one to eight years of prision and fined by 800 to 1000 days of minimum wage
So, yes, borrowing your computer without getting explicit permission, or playing around with the options in kiosks, or tons of whatever we curious people do with systems we encounter are basis for jail. (And yes, fines in this country are expressed in "days of minimum wage", which goes at ~MX$70 per day, which is ~US$4). But it gets funkier quickly:
Article 17
Whoever fraudulently destroys, disables, damages or in any way alters the working of an informatic system or any of its components, will be punished by fice to fifteen years of jail and fined by up to a thousand minimum wage days The same punishment will be given to whoever, without authorization, destroys, damages, modifies, divulges, transfers or disables information contained in any Informatic System or any of its components. The punishment will be ten to twenty years in prision and a fine of up to a thousand days of minimum wage if the effects here mentioned are done by the creation, introduction or fraudulent transmission, by any means, of an informatic weapon or malicious code
This law is meant to protect against cyberfelonies, if such a thing exists. However, here we are putting at risk people even for accidental equipment destructions. I dropped your portable hard disk with my elbow off the table? Accuse me of acting fraudulently, and I'm up for a serious jail time. And yes, laws are meant to be interpreted... And I don't want to be at the receiving end of this one! In this last article, Fayad mentions informatic weapons, which are defined in the preamble as any informatic program, informatic system, or in general, any device or material created or designed with the purpose of committing an informatic crime. So the very next article makes me, as it should make all of my fellow students and researchers, very uneasy:
Article 18
Whoever uses informatic weapons or malicious code will be imprisioned by two to six years, and fined with 200 to 500 days of minimum wage.
Article 19
Whoever builds, distributes, commerces with informatic weapons or malicious codes will be punished by three to seven years of prision and 200 to 500 days of minimum wage.
If we need to analyze malware for our classes (or for paid work, or as a hobby), we clearly fall in article 18. If we write something that can be classified as malware (without even releasing it, as an academic excercise only!), we are covered by article 19. If I give my students code that's known to be malicious (which could be as inofensive as linking to a well-known Web comic), I'm also covered by article 19. I'll jump all the way to article 31 (reproduced only partially):
Article 31
Whoever, by any means, creates, captures, records, copies, alters, duplicates, clones or deletes the information contained in a credit or debit card (...) will be punished by 8 to 14 years of prision and 300 to 500 days of minimum wage. (...)
This clearly disincentivates any way of e-commerce. When I try to buy anything online, I have to capture+copy my (rightfully owned) credit card data. The services provider has to copy, process and then delete said information. Any e-transaction is punished by jail! Well... But thinking about this again, maybe I shouldn't be so worried about the malware distribution issue at my classes. There are clearer and more contundent articles. Say...
Article 35
Whoever convenes, organizes, is part of, or executes a cibernetic attack, will be punished by 20 to 30 years of prision and fined with 100 to 1000 days of minimum wage
Of course we have convened, organized, been part of and executed cibernetic attacks at the computer security lab at ESIME. Why would there be such a lab otherwise? Then, there are clear indications that the Senator didn't understand the topic his team was working on:
Article 37
Who manipulates the digital seals used by command of the public authority will be punished with 240 days of community work
Now... What is a digital seal? It's not a phisical one that does not allow opening the doors to a business found at fault, but something that just proves a document is legitimate and pristine. How can I manipulate them? Of course, if the seals are MD5-based, I can easily forge them (and SHA1-based, it seems they will be broken enough soon to be considered no longer trustable)... But that's about it! And there is more, lots more. I'm swamped with work, and have to get back to it. But chapters the following chapters have a lot of potential for finding holes. PS - And yes, the only use I do of Twitter is via the headlines in my blog ;-) [update] Ley Fayad is dead, yay! \o/ The senator withdrew the proposal.

4 November 2015

Craig Sanders: Part-time sysadmin work in Melbourne?

I m looking for a part-time Systems Administration role in Melbourne, either in a senior capacity or happy to assist an existing sysadmin or development team. I m mostly recovered from a long illness and want to get back to work, on a part-time basis (up to 3 days per week). Preferably in the City or Inner North near public transport. I can commute further if there is scope for telecommuting once I know your systems and people, and trust has been established. If you have a suitable position available or know of someone who does, please contact me by email. Why hire me? Pros:
  • I have over 20 years experience working with linux and unix
  • Over 30 years in IT, tech support, sysadmin type roles
  • I have excellent problem-solving skills
  • I have excellent English language communication skills
  • I can only work part time so you get a senior sysadmin at a discount part-time price, and I m able to get things done both quickly and correctly.
  • My programming strengths are in systems administration and automation.
  • I m a real-life cyborg (at least part-time, on dialysis)
  • My programming weaknesses are in applications development.
  • I can t travel at all. I have to dialyse every 2nd night.
  • I can t work late (except via telecommute)
  • I can t drink alcohol, not even beer.
  • I am on the transplant waiting list. At some time in the next few years I might get a phone call from the hospital and have to drop everything with 1 or 2 hours notice and be out of action for a few weeks.
Full CV available on request. I m in the top few percent on ServerFault and Unix & Linux StackExchange sites if you want to get a preview of my problem-solving and technical communication skills, see my profile at: CV Summary: Systems Administrator and Programmer with extensive exposure to a wide variety of hardware and software systems. Excellent fault-diagnosis, problem-solving and system design skills. Strong technical/user support background. Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly to non-IT people. Significant IT Management and supervisory experience. Particular Skills
  • Unix, Linux
  • Internet-based Services and Security
  • Systems & Network Administration
  • Virtualisation Openstack, Libvirt, KVM, Xen, Vmware
  • HPC Cluster slurm, Torque, OpenMPI, pdsh
  • Perl, Python, shell, awk, sed, etc scripting for systems automation
  • Data extraction/conversion, processing, and reporting. (incl. CSV, XML, many others)
  • Web server administation, incl. Apache.
  • Web development HTML, CSS, Javascript, perl, PHP, CGI scripting etc.
  • Postgresql, Mysql, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle
  • DNS bind8/bind9, nlnet s nsd & unbound
  • SMTP postfix, sendmail, exim, qmail.
  • High Level Technical Support
  • Database design & development
  • Mentoring and training of colleagues
Part-time sysadmin work in Melbourne? is a post from: Errata

23 June 2015

Russell Coker: One Android Phone Per Child

I was asked for advice on whether children should have access to smart phones, it s an issue that many people are discussing and seems worthy of a blog post. Claimed Problems with Smart Phones The first thing that I think people should read is this XKCD post with quotes about the demise of letter writing from 99+ years ago [1]. Given the lack of evidence cited by people who oppose phone use I think we should consider to what extent the current concerns about smart phone use are just reactions to changes in society. I ve done some web searching for reasons that people give for opposing smart phone use by kids and addressed the issues below. Some people claim that children shouldn t get a phone when they are so young that it will just be a toy. That s interesting given the dramatic increase in the amount of money spent on toys for children in recent times. It s particularly interesting when parents buy game consoles for their children but refuse mobile phone toys (I know someone who did this). I think this is more of a social issue regarding what is a suitable toy than any real objection to phones used as toys. Obviously the educational potential of a mobile phone is much greater than that of a game console. It s often claimed that kids should spend their time reading books instead of using phones. When visiting libraries I ve observed kids using phones to store lists of books that they want to read, this seems to discredit that theory. Also some libraries have Android and iOS apps for searching their catalogs. There are a variety of apps for reading eBooks, some of which have access to many free books but I don t expect many people to read novels on a phone. Cyber-bullying is the subject of a lot of anxiety in the media. At least with cyber-bullying there s an electronic trail, anyone who suspects that their child is being cyber-bullied can check that while old-fashioned bullying is more difficult to track down. Also while cyber-bullying can happen faster on smart phones the victim can also be harassed on a PC. I don t think that waiting to use a PC and learn what nasty thing people are saying about you is going to be much better than getting an instant notification on a smart phone. It seems to me that the main disadvantage of smart phones in regard to cyber-bullying is that it s easier for a child to participate in bullying if they have such a device. As most parents don t seem concerned that their child might be a bully (unfortunately many parents think it s a good thing) this doesn t seem like a logical objection. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is claimed to be a problem, apparently if a child has a phone then they will want to take it to bed with them and that would be a bad thing. But parents could have a policy about when phones may be used and insist that a phone not be taken into the bedroom. If it s impossible for a child to own a phone without taking it to bed then the parents are probably dealing with other problems. I m not convinced that a phone in bed is necessarily a bad thing anyway, a phone can be used as an alarm clock and instant-message notifications can be turned off at night. When I was young I used to wait until my parents were asleep before getting out of bed to use my PC, so if smart-phones were available when I was young it wouldn t have changed my night-time computer use. Some people complain that kids might use phones to play games too much or talk to their friends too much. What do people expect kids to do? In recent times the fear of abduction has led to children doing playing outside a lot less, it used to be that 6yos would play with other kids in their street and 9yos would be allowed to walk to the local park. Now people aren t allowing 14yo kids walk to the nearest park alone. Playing games and socialising with other kids has to be done over the Internet because kids aren t often allowed out of the house. Play and socialising are important learning experiences that have to happen online if they can t happen offline. Apps can be expensive. But it s optional to sign up for a credit card with the Google Play store and the range of free apps is really good. Also the default configuration of the app store is to require a password entry before every purchase. Finally it is possible to give kids pre-paid credit cards and let them pay for their own stuff, such pre-paid cards are sold at Australian post offices and I m sure that most first-world countries have similar facilities. Electronic communication is claimed to be somehow different and lesser than old-fashioned communication. I presume that people made the same claims about the telephone when it first became popular. The only real difference between email and posted letters is that email tends to be shorter because the reply time is smaller, you can reply to any questions in the same day not wait a week for a response so it makes sense to expect questions rather than covering all possibilities in the first email. If it s a good thing to have longer forms of communication then a smart phone with a big screen would be a better option than a feature phone , and if face to face communication is preferred then a smart phone with video-call access would be the way to go (better even than old fashioned telephony). Real Problems with Smart Phones The majority opinion among everyone who matters (parents, teachers, and police) seems to be that crime at school isn t important. Many crimes that would result in jail sentences if committed by adults receive either no punishment or something trivial (such as lunchtime detention) if committed by school kids. Introducing items that are both intrinsically valuable and which have personal value due to the data storage into a typical school environment is probably going to increase the amount of crime. The best options to deal with this problem are to prevent kids from taking phones to school or to home-school kids. Fixing the crime problem at typical schools isn t a viable option. Bills can potentially be unexpectedly large due to kids inability to restrain their usage and telcos deliberately making their plans tricky to profit from excess usage fees. The solution is to only use pre-paid plans, fortunately many companies offer good deals for pre-paid use. In Australia Aldi sells pre-paid credit in $15 increments that lasts a year [2]. So it s possible to pay $15 per year for a child s phone use, have them use Wifi for data access and pay from their own money if they make excessive calls. For older kids who need data access when they aren t at home or near their parents there are other pre-paid phone companies that offer good deals, I ve previously compared prices of telcos in Australia, some of those telcos should do [3]. It s expensive to buy phones. The solution to this is to not buy new phones for kids, give them an old phone that was used by an older relative or buy an old phone on ebay. Also let kids petition wealthy relatives for a phone as a birthday present. If grandparents want to buy the latest smart-phone for a 7yo then there s no reason to stop them IMHO (this isn t a hypothetical situation). Kids can be irresponsible and lose or break their phone. But the way kids learn to act responsibly is by practice. If they break a good phone and get a lesser phone as a replacement or have to keep using a broken phone then it s a learning experience. A friend s son head-butted his phone and cracked the screen he used it for 6 months after that, I think he learned from that experience. I think that kids should learn to be responsible with a phone several years before they are allowed to get a learner s permit to drive a car on public roads, which means that they should have their own phone when they are 12. I ve seen an article about a school finding that tablets didn t work as well as laptops which was touted as news. Laptops or desktop PCs obviously work best for typing. Tablets are for situations where a laptop isn t convenient and when the usage involves mostly reading/watching, I ve seen school kids using tablets on excursions which seems like a good use of them. Phones are even less suited to writing than tablets. This isn t a problem for phone use, you just need to use the right device for each task. Phones vs Tablets Some people think that a tablet is somehow different from a phone. I ve just read an article by a parent who proudly described their policy of buying feature phones for their children and tablets for them to do homework etc. Really a phone is just a smaller tablet, once you have decided to buy a tablet the choice to buy a smart phone is just about whether you want a smaller version of what you have already got. The iPad doesn t appear to be able to make phone calls (but it supports many different VOIP and video-conferencing apps) so that could technically be described as a difference. AFAIK all Android tablets that support 3G networking also support making and receiving phone calls if you have a SIM installed. It is awkward to use a tablet to make phone calls but most usage of a modern phone is as an ultra portable computer not as a telephone. The phone vs tablet issue doesn t seem to be about the capabilities of the device. It s about how portable the device should be and the image of the device. I think that if a tablet is good then a more portable computing device can only be better (at least when you need greater portability). Recently I ve been carrying a 10 tablet around a lot for work, sometimes a tablet will do for emergency work when a phone is too small and a laptop is too heavy. Even though tablets are thin and light it s still inconvenient to carry, the issue of size and weight is a greater problem for kids. 7 tablets are a lot smaller and lighter, but that s getting close to a 5 phone. Benefits of Smart Phones Using a smart phone is good for teaching children dexterity. It can also be used for teaching art in situations where more traditional art forms such as finger painting aren t possible (I have met a professional artist who has used a Samsung Galaxy Note phone for creating art work). There is a huge range of educational apps for smart phones. The Wikireader (that I reviewed 4 years ago) [4] has obvious educational benefits. But a phone with Internet access (either 3G or Wifi) gives Wikipedia access including all pictures and is a better fit for most pockets. There are lots of educational web sites and random web sites that can be used for education (Googling the answer to random questions). When it comes to preparing kids for the real world or the work environment people often claim that kids need to use Microsoft software because most companies do (regardless of the fact that most companies will be using radically different versions of MS software by the time current school kids graduate from university). In my typical work environment I m expected to be able to find the answer to all sorts of random work-related questions at any time and I think that many careers have similar expectations. Being able to quickly look things up on a phone is a real work skill, and a skill that s going to last a lot longer than knowing today s version of MS-Office. There are a variety of apps for tracking phones. There are non-creepy ways of using such apps for monitoring kids. Also with two-way monitoring kids will know when their parents are about to collect them from an event and can stay inside until their parents are in the area. This combined with the phone/SMS functionality that is available on feature-phones provides some benefits for child safety. iOS vs Android Rumour has it that iOS is better than Android for kids diagnosed with Low Functioning Autism. There are apparently apps that help non-verbal kids communicate with icons and for arranging schedules for kids who have difficulty with changes to plans. I don t know anyone who has a LFA child so I haven t had any reason to investigate such things. Anyone can visit an Apple store and a Samsung Experience store as they have phones and tablets you can use to test out the apps (at least the ones with free versions). As an aside the money the Australian government provides to assist Autistic children can be used to purchase a phone or tablet if a registered therapist signs a document declaring that it has a therapeutic benefit. I think that Android devices are generally better for educational purposes than iOS devices because Android is a less restrictive platform. On an Android device you can install apps downloaded from a web site or from a 3rd party app download service. Even if you stick to the Google Play store there s a wider range of apps to choose from because Google is apparently less restrictive. Android devices usually allow installation of a replacement OS. The Nexus devices are always unlocked and have a wide range of alternate OS images and the other commonly used devices can usually have an alternate OS installed. This allows kids who have the interest and technical skill to extensively customise their device and learn all about it s operation. iOS devices are designed to be sealed against the user. Admittedly there probably aren t many kids with the skill and desire to replace the OS on their phone, but I think it s good to have option. Android phones have a range of sizes and features while Apple only makes a few devices at any time and there s usually only a couple of different phones on sale. iPhones are also a lot smaller than most Android phones, according to my previous estimates of hand size the iPhone 5 would be a good tablet for a 3yo or good for side-grasp phone use for a 10yo [5]. The main benefits of a phone are for things other than making phone calls so generally the biggest phone that will fit in a pocket is the best choice. The tiny iPhones don t seem very suitable. Also buying one of each is a viable option. Conclusion I think that mobile phone ownership is good for almost all kids even from a very young age (there are many reports of kids learning to use phones and tablets before they learn to read). There are no real down-sides that I can find. I think that Android devices are generally a better option than iOS devices. But in the case of special needs kids there may be advantages to iOS.

13 May 2015

Zlatan Todori : How to answer as a master

I have spent some fair amount of time during the life to explore making great responses to generic question (technical one included) and I can say without doubt that it is a pretty simple thing one could learn. First of all, answering question via email or in personal, it is very important that people feel that the person answering is there and is really "getting" their question. So a personal notice at beginning or at the end is not necessary but is a big plus. Particular part of answer should have 3 phases: straight yes or no answer, brief explaining why yes or no, and then explaining the opposite solution. Very important to keep it precise and simple as possible while explaining all what is needed for the person which asked question. For example Joe asks:
Can I install library libfoo1.2 without breaking software foo1.1
And Jane would answer:
Hi Joe, very good question as people often do try things like that and could end up in complicated situation. So the answer is NO. Pulling the libfoo1.2 would break foo1.1 because there were numerous changes from libfoo1.1 that break backward compatibility and there was also rewriting and porting to a newer version of language. Now having that out of way, you can safely pull also foo1.2 and install it with libfoo1.2 which is tested and should work for you without any problems. Best regards, Jane
And that's it. Lean, clean, cyborg.

1 April 2015

Joey Hess: I am ArchiveTeam

This seems as good a day as any to mention that I am a founding member of ArchiveTeam. ArchiveTeam logo Way back, when Geocities was closing down, I was one of a small rag-tag group who saved a copy of most of it. That snapshot has since generated more publicity than most other projects I've worked on. I've heard many heartwarning stories of it being the only remaining copy of baby pictures and writings of deceased friends, and so on. It's even been the subject of serious academic study as outlined in this talk, which is pretty awesome. Jason Scott in full stage regalia I'm happy to let this guy be the public face of ArchiveTeam in internet meme-land. It's a 0.1% project for me, and has grown into a well-oiled machine, albeit one that shouldn't need to exist. I only get involved these days when there's another crazy internet silo fire drill and/or I'm bored. (Rumors of me being the hand model for ArchiveTeam are, however, unsubstantiated.) Relevant XKCD

23 March 2015

Jan Wagner: Wordpress dictionary attack

Today early in the morning my monitoring system notified me about unusual high outgoing traffic on my hosting plattform. I traced the problem down the webserver which is also hosting this abondened website. Looking into this with iptraf revealed that this traffic is coming only from one IP. At first I thought anybody might grabbing my Debian packages from But no, it was targeting my highly sophisticated blogging plattform.
$ grep /var/log/nginx/vhosts/access_logs/   tail -2 - - [23/Mar/2015:08:20:12 +0100] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.0" 404 22106 "-" "-" - - [23/Mar/2015:08:20:12 +0100] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.0" 404 22106 "-" "-"
$ grep /var/log/nginx/vhosts/access_logs/   wc -l
$ grep /var/log/nginx/vhosts/access_logs/   wc -l
$ grep /var/log/nginx/vhosts/access_logs/   grep -v wp-login.php   wc -l
It makes me really sad to see, that dictionary attacks are smashing with such a high power these days, even without evaluating the 404 response.

22 January 2015

Erich Schubert: Year 2014 in Review as Seen by a Trend Detection System

We ran our trend detection tool Signi-Trend (published at KDD 2014) on news articles collected for the year 2014. We removed the category of financial news, which is overrepresented in the data set. Below are the (described) results, from the top 50 trends (I will push the raw result to appspot if possible due to file limits).
I have highlighted the top 10 trends in bold, but otherwise ordered them chronologically.
Updated: due to an error in a regexp, I had filtered out too many stories. The new results use more articles.

2014-01-29: Obama's state of the union address
2014-02-07: Sochi Olympics gay rights protests
2014-02-08: Sochi Olympics first results
2014-02-19: Violence in Ukraine and Maidan in Kiev
2014-02-20: Wall street reaction to Facebook buying WhatsApp
2014-02-22: Yanukovich leaves Kiev
2014-02-28: Crimea crisis begins
2014-03-01: Crimea crisis escalates futher
2014-03-02: NATO meeting on Crimea crisis
2014-03-04: Obama presents U.S. fiscal budget 2015 plan
2014-03-08: Malaysia Airlines MH-370 missing in South China Sea
2014-03-08: MH-370: many Chinese on board of missing airplane
2014-03-15: Crimean status referencum (upcoming)
2014-03-18: Crimea now considered part of Russia by Putin
2014-03-21: Russian stocks fall after U.S. sanctions.
2014-04-02: Chile quake and tsunami warning
2014-04-09: False positive? experience + views
2014-04-13: Pro-russian rebels in Ukraine's Sloviansk
2014-04-17: Russia-Ukraine crisis continues
2014-04-22: French deficit reduction plan pressure
2014-04-28: Soccer World Cup coverage: team lineups
2014-05-14: MERS reports in Florida, U.S.
2014-05-23: Russia feels sanctions impact
2014-05-25: EU elections
2014-06-06: World cup coverage
2014-06-13: Islamic state Camp Speicher massacre in Iraq
2014-06-14: Soccer world cup: Spain surprisingly destoyed by Netherlands
2014-07-05: Soccer world cup quarter finals
2014-07-17: Malaysian Airlines MH-17 shot down over Ukraine
2014-07-18: Russian blamed for 298 dead in airline downing
2014-07-19: Independent crash site investigation demanded
2014-07-20: Israel shelling Gaza causes 40+ casualties in a day
2014-08-07: Russia bans food imports from EU and U.S.
2014-08-08: Obama orders targeted air strikes in Iraq
2014-08-20: IS murders journalist James Foley, air strikes continue
2014-08-30: EU increases sanctions against Russia
2014-09-05: NATO summit with respect to IS and Ukraine conflict
2014-09-11: Scottish referendum upcoming - poll results are close
2014-09-23: U.N. on legality of U.S. air strikes in Syria against IS
2014-09-26: Star manager Bill Gross leaves Allianz/PIMCO for Janus
2014-10-22: Ottawa parliament shooting
2014-10-26: EU banking review
2014-11-05: U.S. Senate and governor elections
2014-11-12: Foreign exchange manipulation investigation results
2014-11-17: Japan recession
2014-12-11: CIA prisoner and U.S. torture centers revieled
2014-12-15: Sydney cafe hostage siege
2014-12-17: U.S. and Cuba relations improve unexpectedly
2014-12-18: Putin criticizes NATO, U.S., Kiev
2014-12-28: AirAsia flight QZ-8501 missing

As you can guess, we are really happy with this result - just like the result for 2013 it mentiones (almost) all the key events.
There probably is one "false positive" there: 2014-04-09 has a lot of articles talking about "experience" and "views", but not all refer to the same topic (we did not do topic modeling yet).
There are also some events missing that we would have liked to appear; many of these barely did not make it into the top 50, but do appear in the top 100, such as the Sony cyberattack (#51) and the Fergusson riots on November 11 (#66).
You can also explore the results online in a snapshot.

